Contract structure, career earnings and various endorsement deals of former Bryant men's basketball

Jared Grasso joined Bryant basketball in 2018 and coached the Bulldogs to their first-ever NCAA Tournament appearance four years later. Grasso was on leave since September before resigning on Monday. Phil Martinelli Jr. is serving as interim head coach for the Bulldogs.

Jared Grasso joined Bryant basketball in 2018 and coached the Bulldogs to their first-ever NCAA Tournament appearance four years later. Grasso was on leave since September before resigning on Monday. Phil Martinelli Jr. is serving as interim head coach for the Bulldogs.

Beyond the on-court achievements, the financial aspects of Grasso's career, including his salary, contract structure and endorsement deals, have become subjects of intrigue.

Jared Grasso's net worth

As per, Bryant University’s former coach, Jared Grasso, has a net worth of around $5 million as of June 1, 2023.

Jared Grasso Salary

Grasso secured a lucrative contract extension in April 2022, binding him to Bryant University until the 2026-27 season. The financial details reveal that, as of the 2022 fiscal year, Grasso earned $358,448 in salary and compensation.

This commitment coincided with other developments for the Bulldogs, such as plans for a new on-campus arena and entry into a fresh conference.

Grasso’s success in 2022 includes a Northeast Conference regular-season title, an NEC tournament crown and the NEC Coach of the Year award. These accomplishments played a role in the contract negotiations.

Why did Jared Grasso retire?

Grasso has announced his retirement, leaving fans and the college basketball community curious. He loved coaching the Bulldogs, so the decision is not sitting right with the fans. The 43-year-old coach had signed a five-year contract extension last year.

As per reports, the decision comes amid an internal investigation after the university put Grasso on mandatory leave. The former Iona Gaels assistant was also arrested on Oct. 1. He was charged with "failure to stop for an accident resulting in damage to vehicle." However, the charge was dropped one week later.

Grasso shared his reasons for leaving the Bulldogs on social media.

“My role as a father and husband is everything to me,” Grasso wrote. “The rigors of a coach's lifestyle and 3 young children can make that extremely challenging. My mental and physical health must come first at this time. “I am excited for my children's practices, recitals and Christmas shopping. In addition to celebrating winter holidays with my family for the first time in my career.”

The specifics of the incident prompting his removal from team activities and being put on leave remain undisclosed. His resignation preceded any official statement from the university.

Since the Bulldogs hired Grasso, his impact on Bryant's basketball program was impressive. Under his guidance, the Bulldogs achieved their only NCAA Tournament appearance in 2022.

Jared Grasso's coaching tenure over five seasons at Bryant has a 79-67 record. It also includes a notable 48-36 mark in the Northeast Conference and the America East. What lies ahead for Grasso is yet to be seen. For now, the former Bryant Bulldogs (1-2, 0-0 American East) coach is focusing on his parental duties.

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