Skill, Burst, major constellations, and other abilities

Some new major Genshin Impact leaks pertaining to Neuvillette's kit have been released. This article will go over the latest news about the Chief Justice of Fontaine's abilities. Note that everything discussed below is subject to change. Also, leaker Uncle Chicken has contradicted Uncle Pregnancy's leak on this matter.

Some new major Genshin Impact leaks pertaining to Neuvillette's kit have been released. This article will go over the latest news about the Chief Justice of Fontaine's abilities. Note that everything discussed below is subject to change. Also, leaker Uncle Chicken has contradicted Uncle Pregnancy's leak on this matter.

Let's look at all the leaks surrounding this character in the next section of this article. If the Neuvillette leaks are for an early build, his build kit could be entirely different by the time he releases. There isn't any other notable news about the character as of this writing, so these viral yet unverified leaks are the main things to view right now.

Note: By virtue of how text leaks operate, Genshin Impact players should be skeptical of the following information.

Genshin Impact leaks detail more about Neuvillette's Elemental Skill, Burst, and Constellations

Update: Visit our newest coverage on Neuvillette's gameplay leaks, revealing his Skill, Burst, animations, and Constellations: Newest coverage on Neuvilette gameplay leaks.

The above Reddit post is a translation of a Baidu leak that essentially states the following about Neuvillette:

  • He's good on and off-field.
  • He has different Ousia and Pneuma alignment, depending on if he's on-field or off-field.
  • This character has an on-field buff adding HP scaling to Normal Attacks, while his off-field buff is a stronger Elemental Skill.
  • On-field Neuvillette is apparently focused on Normal Attacks, while off-field builds focus on his Elemental Skill, similarly to Yae Miko.
  • His Normal Attacks scale based on ATK, but his Elemental Skill scales based on his Max HP.
  • His Elemental Burst includes Resistance to Interruption and buffs damage for Normal Attacks.
  • There are several different leaks about his Constellations as of late.
  • He has horns that glow while he does Normal Attacks.

Note that old Genshin Impact leaks used to suggest that he wields a Claymore as a weapon, although some recent leaks state that he uses a Catalyst as a weapon.

More unverified text leaks about Neuvillete's abilities

A Discord leak tied to this topic (Image via Tao Mains Discord)

The above Genshin Impact leak states that the Chief Justice of Fontaine's Elemental Skill consumes HP and can charge Energy. There is also apparently no healing in his kit whatsoever. Note that the Baidu mod associated with these leaks has stated there are several contradictions among other leaks associated with Neuvillette.

It's possible that some parts of his leaked kit could be true while others are fabricated.

More text leaks (Image via Tao Mains Discord)

Some other vague text leaks state:

  • Elemental Burst buff: This apparently scales based on the number of Hydro characters in a team, capping at three.
  • C4 and C6: These two Constellations apparently help his personal damage a lot, with C6 being very significant.
  • One unspecified Constellation: Apparently, one of his Constellations will lower the cap from his Elemental Burst's situational buff from three Hydro characters to just two, as a +1 modifier will always be active.

Remember, Genshin Impact text leaks tied to abilities can be wrong, so players shouldn't blindly assume that everything posted here is 100% accurate.

Uncle Chicken says the leaks may not be accurate

The final Genshin Impact leak worth mentioning about Neuvillette comes from Uncle Chicken, who claims that Uncle Pregnancy's information was from an earlier build. That data may no longer be reliable. There are currently no beta test leaks involving Neuvillette that are available to the public.

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