Tamela & David Mann's Daughter Porcia Celebrates 35th Birthday Posing in Nude Tracksuit in Forest

Porcia Mann, daughter of gospel singers Tamela and David Mann, just turned 35. The birthday girl celebrated her special day with stunning photos. Check out Porcia's incredible snaps. Celebrity couple Tamela and David Mann are multi-awarded gospel singers in Hollywood and proud parents of four blended children - son David Jr. and daughters Tia, Tiffany,

Porcia Mann, daughter of gospel singers Tamela and David Mann, just turned 35. The birthday girl celebrated her special day with stunning photos. Check out Porcia's incredible snaps.

Celebrity couple Tamela and David Mann are multi-awarded gospel singers in Hollywood and proud parents of four blended children - son David Jr. and daughters Tia, Tiffany, and Porcia.

Among the four, Porcia seems to be the perfect mix of her famous parents' features. Apart from her captivating looks, she's also a successful career woman, a dedicathed mother, and a blogger.

Tamela and David Mann at the 4th Annual My Music Matters: A Celebration Of Legends Lunch on June 1, 2017 in Nashville, Tennessee. | Photo: Getty Images

Porcia recently turned 35, and she posted a gorgeous picture on Instagram to mark the special occasion. She uploaded two photos, but the first one seemed to have captured most fans' attention. A fan commented:

"Amazingly beautiful young lady [sic]."

The photo showed her in a serene forest, posing sideways beside a tree. Porcia smiled brightly with her head bent backward, her left arm folded against the tree trunk, while her right hand hung freely on the side.

The birthday girl's mega-watt smile looked as bright as her matching nude tracksuit. Her figure-flattering pants had blue outlines on the sides, and her hooded top featured similar patterns.

She exuded confidence as she flaunted her afro-hair. A pair of round white earrings and calf-high boots in brown and white added a chic flair to Porcia's relaxed ensemble.

Several trees, sunless white skies, and dead leaves on the ground added an aesthetic touch that perfectly matched the fashionista's cozy look. She noted in her caption that the age 35 would be good for her.

Prior to her nature-themed birthday, Porcia's parents shared how they celebrated their daughter's special occasion last year. David and Tamela shared a photo along with a sweet tribute.

Launching the inclusive brand in 2019 comes at a time when Tamela had a remarkable body transformation.

Porcia stood between her parents in the edited picture, which featured some black-and-white images behind the trio. The longtime couple wrote they are excited for her new chapter in life.

As she navigates a new year, Porcia continues to keep up with her healthy lifestyle. The social media star previously shared she has been on a meat-less journey with no cornstarch added to her diet.

Porcia is determined to stay healthy and sound now that she is a doting mom of three adorable daughters: Maddison, Kennedy, and Riley. She shared her girls are her greatest motivations in life.

"I am just striving to be a better person and role model for them," she said. Besides being a super mom, Porcia keeps herself busy working in the family's music business in Tillymann, Inc.

While working in her family's business, Porcia models for her mom's athleisure line for plus-size women, Tamela Mann Collection. The brand also features loungewear pieces in different colors.

Launching the inclusive brand in 2019 comes at a time when Tamela had a remarkable body transformation. The award-winning gospel singer credited her weight loss to the WW program, formerly called Weight Watchers.

The veteran singer added she vowed to continue her healthy journey. Aside from the weight loss program, she shared that her other daughter, Tiffany, was the one who motivated her to change her lifestyle.

Along with her new lifestyle and a business venture, Tamela released her new song titled "Help Me." She and her longtime husband have also premiered a new season of the "Tyler Perry's Assisted Living" series on BET.

The "Change Me" singer and David have been married for 33 years, a rare feat in an industry famous for messy divorces. Although they faced ups and downs throughout their union, the couple has remained strong in their commitement to each other.

