The Super Science Happy Hour with Matt & Matt

The Super Science Happy Hour with Matt & Matt en-us ℗ & © 2013 Matthew Johnson & Matthew Krause Theoretically a funny podcast about science. Actually a sad documentary about the ravages of adult ADD. Matt & Matt The Super Science Happy Hour with Matt & Matt stars Matt Krause and Matt Johnson. Both Matts hold PhDs in Neuroscience from Yale University, have an active interest in many areas of science, and are devastatingly witty and handsome in person. The podcast is a mostly spontaneous conversion between Matt & Matt about various news items and issues in the science world. We know a lot about some of the topics we discuss and not very much about others, but we usually take some interesting digressions along the way. We’re relatively low-tech for now, but hopefully if anyone listens, we’ll get more polished over time. If you’d like to support the show, feel free to send us buckets of money and/or audio equipment. You can contact us at The Super Science Happy Hour with Matt & Matt stars Matt Krause and Matt Johnson. Both Matts hold PhDs in Neuroscience from Yale University, have an active interest in many areas of science, and are devastatingly witty and handsome in person. The podcast is a mostly spontaneous conversion between Matt & Matt about various news items and issues in the science world. We know a lot about some of the topics we discuss and not very much about others, but we usually take some interesting digressions along the way. We’re relatively low-tech for now, but hopefully if anyone listens, we’ll get more polished over time. If you’d like to support the show, feel free to send us buckets of money and/or audio equipment. You can contact us at Matt Johnson & Matt Krause no SSHHMM Episode 001: Molestache of Flesh Matt & Matt The creepy roommate of podcast episodes Topics discussed: Crappy first episodes, journey through the center of the earth, antimatter and gravity, statues, videos made with atoms, and how we don't know nearly as much about microscopes (and most other things) as we'd like to. SuperScienceHappyHour_Episode_001 Mon, 20 May 2013 12:00:00 GMT 71:27 no SSHHMM Episode 002: This One is Long and Hard Matt & Matt Our longest, hardest episode yet! Topics discussed: Lots about colo(u)r perception; types of primates; Eskimo words for snow; the (in)efficiency of different languages; and seduction techniques of bonobos, cannibalistic fish, pandas, raging bulls, moose, and humans. SuperScienceHappyHour_Episode_002 Tue, 4 Jun 2013 12:00:00 GMT 136:18 no SSHHMM Episode 003: Hungry Like the Civet Matt & Matt Pit vipers, civets, and vampire bats, oh my! Topics discussed: Giant insects; Twinkies; the general fickleness of taste perception; food-ish things that may or may not be either good or bad for you; Japanese centenarians; the voices of physics; why naked mole rats don't get cancer; clouds of bacteria; whiskey stones; oblique references to songs of the 1980s. SuperScienceHappyHour_Episode_003 Fri, 28 Jun 2013 12:00:00 GMT 126:09 no SSHHMM Episode 004: Bowling for Anti-Dollars Matt & Matt This is not 'Nam, this is bowling. There are rules. Topics discussed: Radioactive cookies & cursed frogurt; self-referential aptitude tests; virtual spermatozoa; mean triangles; telepathic tompeepery; and computers that play write pop songs, critique screenplays, and play old-school Super Mario Bros. Plus, blood! SuperScienceHappyHour_Episode_004 Fri, 19 Jul 2013 12:00:00 GMT 127:32 no SSHHMM Episode 005: Feeling Your Pain in My Netherlands Matt & Matt This hand is your hand, this hand is my hand.... Topics discussed: Rhymes (nursery, Snoop Dogg's), lads' mags, a lather rong discussion of Japanese consonant confusion, crazy old scientists, mind-altering backpacks, mirror neurons, feeling empathy, feeling air, testing tastes and tasting testes. Plus, rainbows and lots and lots of psychopaths! With special guest star LAURIE SKELLY!!! SuperScienceHappyHour_Episode_005 Mon, 5 Aug 2013 12:00:00 GMT 151:12 no SSHHMM Episode 006: Circling Uranus Matt & Matt America can, should, must, and will blow up the moon! Topics discussed: Ancient nuclear reactors, giant moons, Richard Feynman scooping the entire field of cognitive psychology while doing his laundry, burning oneself and touching snakes in the name of science, kikis, boubas, and more! Listen to (and/or see/smell/taste/feel) us talk about synesthesia! And somehow we manage to get through the entire episode without making a "Uranus" joke... until the title. SuperScienceHappyHour_Episode_006 Wed, 11 Sep 2013 12:00:00 GMT 100:33 no SSHHMM Episode 007: Goldenose Matt & Matt Tycho Brahe is totally metal. Well, partially. Topics discussed: Chlorophyll, hemoglobin, and refried beans; warp drives and (at)tractor beams; comet tails and solar sails; dueling fails and moose in ales; historical pets; kissing cousins; kissing parrots; radioactive brains; red-hot nickel balls and red-hot giraffe love. Also, check us out now on Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and GeoCities! (OK, maybe not GeoCities.) SuperScienceHappyHour_Episode_007 Mon, 7 Oct 2013 12:00:00 GMT 97:37 no SSHHMM Episode 008: An Insect With Punch-Card Wings Matt & Matt Your digestive tract: The ultimate microbrewery. Topics discussed: Crazy cat ladies (or gentlemen); freaky parasites; spiders and elephants on drugs; the steampunk animal kingdom; pub(l)ic demonstrations of erectile dysfunction remedies and other self-experimentation goodness; and how to cut out the middleman by brewing beer right in your own... stomach. With special guest star ANDY BELLEMER!!! SuperScienceHappyHour_Episode_008 Thu, 9 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT 118:48 no SSHHMM Episode 009: The Major Axis of the Dog Matt & Matt If only Matt Krause were the King of Science... Topics discussed: Cleopatra and woolly mammoths; a grand u(ri)nified theory; bloody salty sharks and potty-mouthed turtles; the magnetic declination of canine defecation; and a wetness down under leads us to contemplate whether Les Cousins Dangereux is obscene. Clearly, our classiest episode yet! SuperScienceHappyHour_Episode_009 Mon, 28 Apr 2014 12:00:00 GMT 88:54 no SSHHMM Episode 010: All the Things She Said Matt & Matt You don't have to feed a half-dead cat. Topics discussed: Bad science and crackpot theories abound! We click the Dislike button on Facebook and its research, weather a hurricane of bad statistics, and teach you how to see in the dark through the miracle of brain damage! Plus, what other podcast gives you coverage of both Jennifer Aniston AND 13-year-old Ukrainian boys? SuperScienceHappyHour_Episode_010 Wed, 13 Aug 2014 12:00:00 GMT 97:56 no SSHHMM Episode 011: Jurassic Cat Park Matt & Matt You have now been subscribed to cat facts. Topics discussed: You like animals? We got animals! Smart animals like chimps! Dumb animals like koalas! Crows that can recall a face and geckos making love in space! Not to mention superb fairy-wrens, cuckoo birds, sponges, woodpeckers, turkeys, cats, guinea pigs, sea otters, and many more! Plus, some stuff about humans, I guess. Also we bang jars together. SuperScienceHappyHour_Episode_011 Thu, 18 Sep 2014 12:00:00 GMT 109:08 no

