Shocking Things We Learned About Amy Winehouse After Her Death

If her drug rehab and her subsequent treatments had been successful, perhaps Winehouse would've been a mother today. In a previously unreleased interview, she told journalist John Marrs she definitely envisioned herself "settling down, getting married and having kids."She was a bit iffy on just how good of a mom she would be when she

If her drug rehab and her subsequent treatments had been successful, perhaps Winehouse would've been a mother today. In a previously unreleased interview, she told journalist John Marrs she definitely envisioned herself "settling down, getting married and having kids." She was a bit iffy on just how good of a mom she would be when she stated, "I think I'd be a good mum, well, I hope so. I hope I wont [sic] be a s**t mum." But we have no doubts her mothering instincts would've kicked right in.

As for how many kids she wanted exactly, Winehouse said she wanted "loads of them, at least five." She planned to juggle motherhood and her music career by having a studio in her house, "recording downstairs in my basement and the kids come down looking for their mummy then they'll pretend to sing into the microphone and it'll be cute."

After her death, her father made the shocking admission that Winehouse and her then-fiancé, Reg Traviss, were expecting a baby at some point during their relationship. "They were going to get married," he said during an interview with Weekend Sunrise (via Independent)."I shouldn't tell you this but she thought she was pregnant at some stage."

Unfortunately, for her fans who wanted to feel closer to the later singer and learn everything they could about her, her father refused to give further details as to when the alleged pregnancy occurred.

