Gabriel Kuhn and Daniel Patrys murder story on Reddit, viral pics, autopsy report

The story of Gabriel Kuhn and Daniel Patry seems to be causing a buzz on social media now and then despite it being occurred in 2007. Twitter has been the place where people share often discuss the murder case and the look of things it seems its not fading away anytime soon

The story of Gabriel Kuhn and Daniel Patry seems to be causing a buzz on social media now and then despite it being occurred in 2007.

Twitter has been the place where people share often discuss the murder case and the look of things it seems it’s not fading away anytime soon

Gabriel Kuhn and Daniel Patry were both teenagers who got into a spat that later resulted in torture, abuse, and murder in 2007 and it has been stealing the spotlight on various social media platforms.

People who haven’t heard or know anything about the incident get all active because it was a situation that shouldn’t have ended up with one losing his life.

Why are Gabriel Kuhn and Daniel Patry’s pics going viral?

Gabriel Kuhn and Daniel Patry’s pictures have often been going viral on viral on social media, especially Twitter. The story is one of the most disturbing issues to be witnessed by mankind and Twitter users are have been going wild with their own theories conclusions.

The story has already been concluded as the court left the murderer, Daniel Patry to walk free and live his life in adulthood because he was a minor age the incident occurred.

Gabriel Kuhn and Daniel Patry’s story on Reddit

Gabriel Kuhn was 12 years old when Daniel Patry killed him and this caused attention on Reddit.

The two teenagers fought over an online game called Tibia which led to the murder of Gabriel Kuhn. Daniel lent the 12-year-old colleague some money but he refused to pay him later hence hotheaded Daniel abused, tortured, and murdered him after a month. Gabriel Kuhn is said to have been dying over the severe injury.

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The story wouldn’t have reached where it got to but due to their stubbornness, they didn’t want to give up because a simple sorry from Gabriel Kuhn and maturity from Daniel Patry could have changed the entire narrative.

Gabriel Kuhn murder autopsy report

The game that led to the death of was an online game that was established in the late 90s and got to its peak in the mid-2000s.

The autopsy results revealed that Gabriel Kuhn’s torture went on for a while when he was alive as Daniel Patry hit him badly hence his body was covered with blood and used rope on Gabriel’s neck till he died due to lack of breathing.

